By understanding how and why local businesses behave the way they do, we engage effectively with the right partners. We analyze the performance of various aspects of the market, paying special attention to the capacity of local firms and the incentives that could encourage them to pursue a market opportunity.
AVV Ghana used it’s investment facilitation skills and understanding of market systems principles to facilitate a new offtake agreement with a tech-based platform called AgroInnova, for one of AVV’s investee companies, GINAAL, an egg company. This new, co-created solution has resulted in GINAAL benefitting from regular and formal offtake, new and growing market channel as well as visibility of market performance; AgroInnova gets a medium-sized company as client, helping this early stage innovative tech platform SME to grow its revenues and relationships; and Investor (AVV) gets repaid in more reliable way, thereby demonstrating viability of such investment in the future (systemic result in terms of access to patient capital for missing-middle ag companies who are mostly written off by lenders).